European Journal of Chemistry

Liquid-liquid extraction of Zr(IV) from sulphuric acid medium using tri-n-octyl amine in kerosene


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Jaykishon Swain
Amit Sahoo
Bhikari Charana Bhatta


The extraction behavior of Zr(IV) with tri-n-octyl amine (TOA) in kerosene was studied through a new method of solvent extraction. The mechanism of extraction and the species extracted were identified. Quantitative extraction of Zr(IV) with TOA in kerosene was studied by changing different parameters such as acid variation, diluent effect, metal concentration variation, extractant variation, effect of salting out reagent concentration and effect of temperature. It was observed that the percentage of extraction of Zr(IV) increased when the concentration of TOA and the percentage of extraction also increased when the metal ion concentration increased. The percentage of Zr(IV) became 97.4% with 0.1 M TOA from 3.0 M sulphuric acid. Kerosene was found to be effective diluent for the extraction of Zr(IV) with TOA.

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How to Cite
Swain, J.; Sahoo, A.; Bhatta, B. C. Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Zr(IV) from Sulphuric Acid Medium Using Tri-N-Octyl Amine in Kerosene. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 222-227.

Article Details

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College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751029, Odisha, India.

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