European Journal of Chemistry

Microwave assisted one pot conversion of aromatic aldehydes to nitriles


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Yousef Mohammad Hijji
Rajeesha Rajan
Hani Darwish Tabba
Imad Ali Abu-Yousef
Said Mansour
Hamdi Ben Yahia


Nitriles are versatile organic precursors in organic synthesis and have numerous applications. An efficient microwave assisted method for conversion of aromatic aldehydes to the corresponding nitriles is reported. Aldehydes are readily converted to oxime followed by acetylation and acetic acid elimination to provide nitriles in good yields within minutes. The method proved to be efficient for the synthesis of aromatic and heterocyclic nitriles. The reaction proceeds smoothly by microwave at 150 °C for 5 minutes. The obtained products are isolated simply by filtration or extraction.

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How to Cite
Hijji, Y. M.; Rajan, R.; Tabba, H. D.; Abu-Yousef, I. A.; Mansour, S.; Yahia, H. B. Microwave Assisted One Pot Conversion of Aromatic Aldehydes to Nitriles. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 269-274.

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Supporting Agencies

Qatar National Research Fund (Award NPRP-7-495-1-094), Qatar
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