European Journal of Chemistry

Modeling of cation diffusion in bifunctional polymers based on cis-tetraphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene

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Heinrich Naumovich Altshuler
Olga Heinrichovna Altshuler


In this study, we report that interaction of the network functional polymers based on cis-tetraphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene with aqueous solutions of electrolytes is controlled by diffusion of ions in a polymeric phase. The nanoreactor effect consisting in sufficiently high rate increase of a cation diffusion flux in bifunctional polymers containing sulfonic acid and phenol ionogenic groups has been found. For steady and non-steady states the solutions of the fundamental differential equation of cation diffusion in bifunctional polymers by means of the spherical layer model are obtained for a variety of initial and boundary conditions with constant diffusion coefficient. The proposed mathematical model explains the nanoreactor effect in bifunctional polymers.


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How to Cite
Altshuler, H. N.; Altshuler, O. H. Modeling of Cation Diffusion in Bifunctional Polymers Based on Cis-tetraphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 14-17.

Article Details

Author Biography

Heinrich Naumovich Altshuler, Kemerovo Division of Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, RU-650099, Russia

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Supporting Agencies

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No, 07-03-96030).
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