European Journal of Chemistry

Study of the adsorption of Co(II) on the chitosan-hydroxyapatite

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Zhiguang Ma
Mengchao Liu
Jianghong Li
Yinan Song
Suwen Liu


The adsorption of cobalt ions (Co2+) from aqueous solution onto chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite is investigated in this study. The effects of adsorption time, initial concentration, temperature, and pH are studied in details. Kinetics and thermodynamics of the adsorption of Co2+ onto the chitosan-hydroxyapatite are also investigated and the adsorption kinetics is found to follow the pseudo-second-order model with an activation energy (Ea) of 10.73 kJ/mol. Thermodynamic studies indicates that the adsorption follows the Langmuir adsorption equation. The value of entropy change (∆Sө) and enthalpy change (∆Hө) are found to be 83.50 and 18.09 kJ/mol, respectively. The Gibbs free energy change (∆Gө) is found to be negative at all fives temperatures, demonstrating that the adsorption process is spontaneous and endothermic.


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How to Cite
Ma, Z.; Liu, M.; Li, J.; Song, Y.; Liu, S. Study of the Adsorption of Co(II) on the Chitosan-Hydroxyapatite. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 209-213.

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Supporting Agencies

National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No, 61001051), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Project No, F2011201102)
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