European Journal of Chemistry

Effects of chemical structure, solvent and solution pH on the visible spectra of some new methine cyanine dyes

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Hassan Abazied Shindy
Mohamed Abdalla El-Maghraby
Fayez Mohamed Eissa


Some new dimethine and bis-dimethine, cyanine dyes derived from benzo[2,3-b; 2`,3`-b`]bis-pyrazolo[4,5-b]-l,4-(oxa-, thia-, and pyra-)-zine-6,12-dione were synthesized. Effect of chemical structure on the electronic visible absorption spectra of all the synthesized cyanine dyes was investigated in 95% ethanol solution. Effects of solvent and/or solution pH on the electronic visible absorption spectra of some selected synthesized cyanine dyes were also examined in pure solvents having different polarities and/or in aqueous universal buffer solutions, respectively. Structural confirmations were carried out through elemental analysis, mass spectroscopy, IR and 1H NMR spectra.

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How to Cite
Shindy, H. A.; El-Maghraby, M. A.; Eissa, F. M. Effects of Chemical Structure, Solvent and Solution PH on the Visible Spectra of Some New Methine Cyanine Dyes. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 451-456.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt
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