European Journal of Chemistry

M sub-shell X-ray fluorescence cross-section measurements in high Z elements with X-ray tube photon source

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Sheenu Gupta
Gurpreet Kaur
Himani Bansal
Vijay Kumar Mittal
Raj Mittal


X-ray tube has been used for selective M sub-shell excitations in a single reflection set-up for Pt, Au, Pb, Th and U required for M sub-shell fluorescence cross-sections measurements. Weighted photon energy and total intensity of the incident flux between EM5 edge and tube anode voltage were evaluated following a specific procedure. Comparison of measured cross-sections with the calculated ones from existing DHS/DF model based theoretical data on atomic parameters lend support to the present findings.

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How to Cite
Gupta, S.; Kaur, G.; Bansal, H.; Mittal, V. K.; Mittal, R. M Sub-Shell X-Ray Fluorescence Cross-Section Measurements in High Z Elements With X-Ray Tube Photon Source. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 363-369.

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Supporting Agencies

BRNS (Ref no, 2007/37/6/BRNS), Government of India, India

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