European Journal of Chemistry

Carbon Aerogels: a study with different models of the effect resorcinol/catalyst at different ratios after pyrolysis and the effect on textural properties

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Rafael Alberto Fonseca-Correa
Marlon Jose Bastidas-Barranco
Liliana Giraldo
Juan Carlos Moreno-Piraján


Eight samples of carbon aerogels were prepared at various resorcinol/catalytic (R/C) ratios (ranging from 25 to 1500) and followed the changes in structure after pyrolysis. Isotherms of N2 to 77 K were determined to calculate the textural parameters using Dubinin-Astakhov (DA), Barret Joyner and Halenda (BJH), Non-Local Density Functional Theory (NLDFT) and Quenched Solid Density Functional Theory (QSDFT) models. The results generated two series of samples. In series I, a single type of pores developed (microporous, at low R/C weight ratio). Series II developed mesoporosity to top gears of R/C (> 400). The specific areas ranged from 64 to 990 m2/g. Additional models were applied to the materials synthesized, which allowed for adjustment to a system of “cylinder-slit” pores by applying the QSDFT kernel, with an error percentage ranging from 0.03 to 0.74.

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How to Cite
Fonseca-Correa, R. A.; Bastidas-Barranco, M. J.; Giraldo, L.; Moreno-Piraján, J. C. Carbon Aerogels: a Study With Different Models of the Effect Resorcinol Catalyst at Different Ratios After Pyrolysis and the Effect on Textural Properties. Eur. J. Chem. 2017, 8, 279-287.

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Supporting Agencies

Grant Basic Sciences by the University of the Andes through the Faculty of Science and the Vice-rectory of Research, and the Bank of the Republic of Colombia for their funding and the Convention 3580.

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