European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis of coumarin derivative using polymer supported reagents


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Chiheb Mhiri
Riadh Ternane
Naceur Hamdi
Lassaad Baklouti


Recently, there has been a surge in use of polymer-supported reagents and catalysts become common tools for organic synthesis in what is known as polymer-assisted synthesis since they can simplify product isolation and purification. In this context, coumarin derivative 3 was prepared in good yield and high purity, starting from 3-methoxy salicylaldehyde, using reagents supported on a macroporous ion exchange resin. For this purpose, iminocoumarin and unsaturated nitrile were used as starting materials. The synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, NMR and mass spectrometry.

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How to Cite
Mhiri, C.; Ternane, R.; Hamdi, N.; Baklouti, L. Synthesis of Coumarin Derivative Using Polymer Supported Reagents. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 89-91.

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