European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis, reactions and biological evaluation of benzyltriazolophthalazine derivatives

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Ashraf Hassan Fekry Abd El-Wahab
Hany Mostafa Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed El-Agrody
Mohamed Ahmed El-Nassag
Ahmed Hammam Bedair


A series of triazolophthalazine derivatives (4-22) were synthesized and characterized. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were confirmed by spectral data. The newly synthesized compounds were also screened for their antimicrobial activity.


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How to Cite
El-Wahab, A. H. F. A.; Mohamed, H. M.; El-Agrody, A. M.; El-Nassag, M. A.; Bedair, A. H. Synthesis, Reactions and Biological Evaluation of Benzyltriazolophthalazine Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2013, 4, 10-19.

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