European Journal of Chemistry

SO3H-Carbon derived from glycerol: An efficient and recyclable catalyst for smooth and regioselective azidolysis of oxiranes in water

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Vijay Manneganti
Badari Narayana Prasad Rachapudi
Lakshmi Anu Prabhavathi Devi Bethala


A series of β-hydroxyazides were effectively synthesized from the regioselective ring opening of oxiranes by azide anion in presence of glycerol-based sulfonic acid functionalized carbon as a novel reusable heterogeneous catalyst in H2O achieving good yields (80-98%). The workup procedure was simple, and the catalyst could be reused over five times without losing its catalytic activity and selectivity.

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How to Cite
Manneganti, V.; Rachapudi, B. N. P.; Bethala, L. A. P. D. SO3H-Carbon Derived from Glycerol: An Efficient and Recyclable Catalyst for Smooth and Regioselective Azidolysis of Oxiranes in Water. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 167-170.

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Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India
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