European Journal of Chemistry

Pressure as effective green technology for synthesis of polyfunctionally substituted heteroaromatics: Synthesis of a variety of pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines

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Douaa Salman AlMarzouq
Omniya Sayed Zaky
Abdulaziz Abdulrazaq AlNajjar
Kamal Usef Sadek


Pyrazole molecules are in the forefront of organic chemistry due to their various encompass substituents, which have many biological activity sequence. The biological and medicinal activities of pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines have received considerable interest in this regard. We reported here a comparison between reaction of 4-phenylazo-3,5-diaminopyrazole (4) with ethyl propiolate (15), dimethylacetylene dicarboxylate (20), diethyl fumarate (25) and benzylidenemalononitrile (11) in the presence of catalytic amount of piperidine. We initially followed literature procedure (method A), then utilizing ultrasound irradiation (method B), microwave heating (method C) and in a Q-tube (method D). We confirmed the structure of the product by analytical spectroscopic methods. Method (D) gave a good yield with a record reaction time.

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How to Cite
AlMarzouq, D. S.; Zaky, O. S.; AlNajjar, A. A.; Sadek, K. U. Pressure As Effective Green Technology for Synthesis of Polyfunctionally Substituted Heteroaromatics: Synthesis of a Variety of pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines. Eur. J. Chem. 2016, 7, 347-351.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Kuwait University, Analytical Analab/SAF facilities provided by General Facility-Science (GF-S) (Project No, GS 01/01, GS 01/03, GS 01/05, GS 02/10 & GS 03/08), Kuwait.

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